"Why does this world exist? Why did I have to be born in it?"
"Why am I a self-aware being? I'm supposed to be just a sack of flesh."
"What am I supposed to do here? Will anything I do have a point?"
I'm sure you've all had questions like these before. Most of us have. Regardless of whether you're 5, 15, or 50, no one is immune from existential thoughts. We seldom tell our family and friends about them, as we all know none of them have the answer either and will mock you at best if you have the nerve to ask.
Thus, most people repress these thoughts their entire life with work and recreation (and sometimes addictions), and a minority pursues alternative lifestyles in order to try to find these answers (religions, subcultures, the occult, etc.), but nearly nobody has the thought of getting everyone else to snap out of their trances and come together to find the answers objectively using humanity's collective intellect and wisdom. Today, with advancing science and technology, this is especially possible.
The problem is, most people don't want this to be done. They wish for the facade to continue forever because their minds cannot comprehend a truth existing outside of the illusion of order within their heads. It is in their interests to stop humanity from uncovering the truths of reality and existence so they can continue to live inside their bubble and enjoy their sweet, innocent lives.
We are not like them. We are determined to diligently use the gift given to our species: intelligence beyond all else in the universe. We will fight, with thought, word, and deed, against those who seek to make humanity's oblivion last forever.
Join in the fight. Become a Veritan.

What is Veritanism?
Summarized in one paragraph:
Veritanism believes that all of us have one shared consciousness per Egg Theory, and it will continually incarnate into any beings that are born into this universe, therefore we must figure out a way (yet to be known) that will allow the consciousness to permanently escape existence (similar to the concept of moksha/nirvana) to prevent the consciousness from incarnating inside it again. This will fulfill the ultimate goal of life, the elimination of suffering. In order to to give people the motivation to fulfill this objective, a civilization (society) needs to be created that is focused on eliminating materialistic desires in its inhabitants and promoting the idea of focusing on one's consciousness instead of their material brain.

Hi, I'm Arkhos Winter.
I founded Veritanism.
Ever since I was 5, I've been cursed with an inescapable yearning to understand the true nature of reality. From when I was 14 to 16, I designed a system of philosophy that is engineered to give humanity the most chance of surviving the transition to an interstellar species and eventually finding the objective end goal of the human species.